Thursday, September 4, 2008

Democrats have a hard time counting

They are yelling about McCain not knowing how many houses he has but does that really compare to this:

Obama stated he had visited 57 states with one more left to go (and he wasn't including Alaska and Hawaii)! I guess he has added a few extra states since the last time I looked we have 50 and that includes Alaska and Hawaii! Maybe he thinks he needs those extra states to win?

Obama stated that he would be the President for the next 8 to 10 years! Is he planning a takeover of the constitution to extend his term?

Now, for the shocker... The libs are claiming that Sarah Palin's baby, Trig, 4 months old is really her daughter Bristol's baby. Okay, but how do they explain that she is 5 months pregnant? Oh, maybe the babies are twins and the second one will be born in 4 months! I get it now...

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