Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The American Dream has changed/Obama lowers the bar!

I have found it very interesting listening to political statements and how "proud" the democrats are of Barack Obama's upbringing. "He rose out of poverty and overcame great odds" is more or less the gist of it all. I guess attending private schools is considered poverty these days!

I am getting very tired of how often they point out how his mother used food stamps while he was growing up and while she was getting her doctorate of anthropology! Why are they so proud of the fact that she used food stamps?

I just don't get it! When Frank and I got married he made $200 a month - or $97.50 on payday! We made our trailer house payment and saved for the things we wanted, and Frank made payments on cows he purchased from local farmers. No, we never went on food stamps. When Theresa came along with no insurance, come to think of it, we never had insurance for any of our kids, we just made payments until they were paid off. No hand outs there either. We would never have dreamed of getting government "entitlements"!

Theresa went off to college and supported herself. She could have qualified for food stamps... But, that would have been embarrassing! So, it was ramen noodles, mac and cheese, and anything else she could afford.

Cindy McCain's dad sold his car to raise $10,000 to start his business. He came from and extremely poor background as well. But, by sacrificing his own property he built an American Dream! A business that was founded on good pay and benefits to his employee's and created (oh horrors) a "big business"!!!

Obama wants us all to think he is a down to earth guy just like the rest of us. Does that mean we should stick our hand out and expect government entitlements so we can get an ivy league education like he did?

I guess Obama has lowered the bar for the Great American Dream. Instead of sacrifice and hard work all you need are food stamps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point ma! Love ya! You should write for a political magazine or something!