Friday, February 6, 2009

One little, two little, three little...

I love kids just as much as the next mom but I sure wonder about this woman! A single woman, who has filed bankruptcy, who has lived off of disability, and who lives with her parents has just had octuplets through invitro. Her other six kids were also invitro. Why? She loves babies... I would think that if you loved and wanted lots of kids then maybe adoption would have been a better option.

But, this doesn't all bug me as much as the the thought of who is going to pay for all of this? That's pretty well a no-brainer. The tax payer of course. I think she was hoping for lots of offers from baby companies, etc but they have kept their distance on this one.

Is she capable of giving these kids a good home? Sure, I know a family from Mud Lake that raised a huge family in a two bedroom basement home and they all turned out well. They had both parents and even though they didn't have much you never felt like the kids were neglected. I'm also pretty sure that the parents didn't expect handouts for their family.

I think that if a woman expects the government to pay for her kids then maybe there should be a limit. She can have as many as she wants but there should be a cutoff of payments for more than four kids or something like that. Too many women are making a "career" of having kids and then living off of welfare. It's just too bad that the kids are the ones that suffer from these situations. Where is personal accountability from these people?

I guess that as long as we are a society that feels guilty for every supposed wrong that someone flings at us we won't figure out that giving handouts is not the way to salve our conscience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea that lady is crazy! I agree with the idea of there being a limit of how much the gov. dishes out... but we won't see that from Obama.