Thursday, October 2, 2008

Still mourning Mitt Romney

Lat night Frank and I attended a rally out to Riverbend Ranch (belongs to Frank VanderSloot and my Frank's old stomping grounds). It was held to gain support for Jim Risch who is running for the US Senate. It was well attended but the biggest draw was the guest speaker - Mitt Romney.

The 1 1/2 hours that we spent there were interesting. Romney and Risch were entertaining a group of "local businessmen" at the "big house" (VanderSloot's home) at a dinner that was rumored to cost $2300 a plate. While they were finishing up there, the "poor folk" was being entertained and informed at the barn by several local politicians running for office.

When the group from the dinner arrived it was very nice that the crowd gave a big standing ovation to Frank and Belinda in recognition for all of the good he does for our community.

Mitt Romney gave the introduction for Jim Risch. First impressions... He is very tall and thin and looked almost haggard. I don't know if that is the way he always looks but it really surprised me as I thought he looked very tired. But, on the other hand he didn't come across that way. He laughed and joked and had the crowd very excited to see him. There were several references throughout the night about him running for President and you could tell the crowd had definitely been in his camp!

Jim Risch did a nice job and was very well spoken and convincing. I will take a closer look at him but am ready to jump on board to support him now. Heck, I even took a couple of posters to put up!

My overall impressions of the evening was that they kept it flowing well with short speeches, some crowd interaction (not much though), and everyone there was excited to have the opportunity to be there. If you were a republican you came away with a "let's win" attitude.

It was nice to see Frank and Belinda as we haven't seen them since Frank quit working at the ranch. Belinda gave us hugs and teased Frank about not wearing boots and a hat! They are good people who have used their wealth for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next I'm going to see you and dad on Fox news at the big Republican Conference!