Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack Obama scares me!

How many times have you asked your friends and family what they think of the candidates this year? Almost everyone we talk to say the same thing: "Barack Obama scares me!"

What is it about him that scare the everyday conservative? Is it because he is black? I think not. Most of us think Condi Rice should be running for President so that rules that argument out.

Is it because he is so "charismatic" as the press say? Listen to his speech delivery. Three words and pause. That's a no-no in most drama and speech classes. Is it charismatic to look down your nose on people? I think not. I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing the charisma of this guy!

I think we are running scared because we don't want to have to share the money we have worked so hard for with the lazy people who slapped away the sandwiches they were offered during Hurricane Katrina.

I think we are running scared because we have grown up being "proud" of our nation our whole lives. Not just because a black man is running for President and his wife says it's okay to be proud now.

I think we are running scared because we value the American Flag, the words of "In GOD we trust", "one nation under GOD", and we wear the flag pin not because it's a good political ploy but because we truly do love our country.

I think we are running scared because we know that leaders like Castro and Chavez and Ahmadinejad are people to fear and not people that we should show respect by having tea with them!

I think we are running scared because we respect life, even before it's born, and care more about humans than wolves or caribou.

I think we are running scared because we want to make our own choices of what kind of food we want to eat and what kind of light bulbs we want to burn.

I think we are running scared because we know that one judge can undo the votes of millions.

I think we are running scared because we know that if you sit in a congregation and listen and praise the preaching taught there for 20 years that you absorb those ideas into your mindset.

I think we are running scared because we know in the last days that the constitution will be hanging by a thread before the Savior returns.

Yep, I'm darn scared of Barack Obama...

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